Preclinical/Clinical Support Equipment

Human anatomy software
Human anatomy software
Mechanical & Electromagnetic Product Group
Charge : Multiscale-Actuator
Borrowing amount : KRW 11000 / hour
Maker : ZYGOTE
Model : Solid 3D CAD Model Collections
Voucher support status : No
  • Available

Principles and Features

This software consists of 3D solid models that are compatible with CAD software. Conversion into various CAD extensions is possible, which means it can be used in experiments to verify the performance of medical microrobots and medical devices by creating 3D phantom models.

Main Specifications

1. Solid Model of 50th Percentile Male (U.S. by height and weight) Skin from medical San Data
2. Solid CAD Skeleton Model of 50th Percentile Male from Medical Scan Data
3. Solid CAD Circulatory System with Medically Accurate Heart and Vessels to Organs and Extremities
4. Solid CAD Respiratory System with medically Accurate Bronchial Tubes and Lungs
5. Solid CAD Abdominal Organs
6. Solid CAD Muscles
7. Solid CAD Connective Tissue

Application Field

It is used to create a detailed anatomical drawing of the body of the person subject to treatment which is essential for designing and manufacturing medical micro robots and medical devices and to create a phantom for in vitro performance verification.